Saturday, 10 December 2011

Riser card

A riser agenda is a printed ambit lath that picks up a aggregation of arresting curve (often bused) via a distinct adapter (usually an bend connector) on a mainboard and distributes them via committed connectors on the card.

Riser cards are generally acclimated to acquiesce abacus amplification cards to a arrangement amid in a humble case area the acme of the case doesn't acquiesce for a erect adjustment of the full-height amplification card.


A riser agenda is a lath that plugs in to the arrangement lath and provides added slots for adapter cards. Because it rises aloft the arrangement board, it enables you to affix added adapters to the arrangement in an acclimatization that is alongside to the arrangement lath and save amplitude aural the arrangement case


Riser cards are acclimated in rackmount server and automated computer applications. In 1U and 2U rackmount computer systems, riser cards are chip into the arrangement to acquiesce the accession of affection cards in a accumbent position (instead of a accepted vertical position). This is due to the acme limitations of a 1U and 2U arrangement which are 1.75" and 3.5" respectively. Typically, a 1U arrangement uses a 1U distinct aperture riser agenda admitting a 2U arrangement uses a 2U 3 aperture riser card.